Nature’s God Interviews
April 16, 2017
Christopher Philips, Socrates Cafe, podcast
Lecture at the Boston Athenaeum, September 21, 2016
Between Two Revolutions: Nature’s God in America 1776-1865
Radio Amerika Now, December 6, 2014
Interview with Barbara Adams (audio)
Your Weekly Constitutional, November 14, 2014
Interview with Stewart Harris (audio)
Between the Lines, PBS, First Airing October 4, 2014.
Interview with Barry Kibrick (video)
Freethought Radio, September 1, 2014
Interview with Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor (audio)
Politics & Prose (audio), July 21, 2014.
Presentation at Politics & Prose
Connie Martinson Talks Books, August 6, 2014.
Interview with Connie Martinson (video)
BookTV, CSPAN-2, July 2, 2014.
Presentation at the Harvard Book Store (video)
The Leonard Lopate Show, WNYC, July 30, 2014
Interview with Leonard Lopate (radio)
Inside Charlottesville, July 11, 2014
Interview with Coy Barefoot (radio)
The Marginalia Review of Books, July 22, 2014
Interview with Art Remillard (radio).
NPR Weekend Edition Sunday, July 13, 2014
“Founders Claimed a Subversive Right to ‘Nature’s God’,” Interview with Arun Rath
Kirkus Reviews, July 10, 2014
Interview with Bill Thompson (print)
The Gary Null Show, July 1, 2014
Interview with Gary Null (radio)
Church & State
“Founding Sources: A New Book Examines the Philosophical Underpinnings of America’s ‘Heretical’ Republic,” Interview with Rob Boston
July/August 2014
Americans United for Separation of Church and State
The Boston Globe, July 4, 2014
“Questioning America’s Christian Roots,” Interview with Brook Wilensky-Lanford